
In early 2020 much of Mainland China was placed under lock-down to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. After May of that year the authorities intermittently relaxed or re-imposed restrictions in various areas where infections subsided or re-emerged respectively. For performers this curtailed most face-to-face events and gatherings. Addressing what this research terms "sonic culture", which includes the sound artists and experimental musicians who have in the past favoured face-to-face events, my research investigated the effects of the COVID restrictions on their practices, and how they worked with sound within the online environment.

This website supplements my PhD dissertation, and is currently a work in progress.


With grateful thanks to my supervisors Dr. Anson Mak, Dr. Cédric Maridet, Dr. Leung Mei Ping; my interviewees who graciously provided me with their time, particularly Jun Yan; Chenchen Ding; Changcun Wang; Cong Zhao and Wenbo Zhu; Mai Mai. Thanks also for support from Mankun Liu; Xin Tang and Chongbao Xu of Taikang Space, Beijing; Michael Yuen; the technical staff at AVA; my parents, and my wife, Shi Li.